Sunday, December 10, 2006

Aparently music videos are harder to make than I thought.

For some reason I decided to have a try at ripping scenes from a DVD, compiling them together and adding music. Here's how it turned out.

As y'cn see, it's a bloody failure. Naturally I have to adress those failures.

For a start, the picture isn't in synch with the music for most of it. That's due mainly to the afghanistan bit lasting too long, throwing bits out of place. At least some of it worked. Then there's the fact that my attempts at lip-synching failed. Well it's live action. Should never've tried that. Ignore it. I also got a bit lazy near the end, didn't use the scenes I wanted to, forgot how some went and thus got the wrong bits in parts and so on and so forth. Maybe at some point I'll redo it properly. I think at the end I just grabbed anything as well. That's really unforgivable.

Obviously my next video will be an AMV, I'll use some decent software and I'll actually plan it properly rather than just in my head. Hmm.

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