Wednesday, December 05, 2007

An Interesting new development

Ok, so I had this crazy idea. I'mma go read one of Jesus's parables a day, and then spending an hour sitting thinking about it and what it actually says. Which is fair enough.

Then I decided I'm gonna take it a step further. Now lately I've been sending out quite a few emails to various friends with bible commentary and things, and I thought to myself, "why not try blogging it? Could be interesting."
So that's just what I'm going to do. Oh dear. So anyway, set up a new blog, where I'll be posting said daily musings. Or hopefully daily anyway, assuming real life doesn't cause me to miss the odd day. Aparently there are a total of 71 parables in the gospels, but some of those are repeats. The catholic encylopedia reckons 33 total, I've seen a list of 57
somewhere, aanother with 40, aparently if "proverbial phrases" are included it can reach up to 60. So I'll have to work out exactly how to handle this, write up a list etc, but I'm estimating it'll take maybe 2 months to go through? Should be fun.