Tuesday, May 15, 2007


In theory if I do enough planning, I won't suffer writers block in the middle of my screenplay.

So, so far I've worked out two characters, who'll form the main focus of the story. James Maddox is the leader of a religeous cult who believes that the events of the book of Revalation have come to pass, and leads his followers on a pilgrimage to Meggido. That's tel-meggido, a settlement in israel near to har-meggido. And sometimes I wonder why I could never grasp hebrew...
Aaaanywho. T'other character's Ayman Farrakhan, a somewhat inept terrorist who really just wants to be accepted by his peers. This is one of the screenplays that'll never be picked up by a studio. (¬_¬)

What's really tricky is that, if there's a clear protagonist at theis point it's Ayman. Trying to convicne the audience to support a bastard who wants to kill lots of people isn't exactly easy. So I'm thinking I'll need to come up with some more characters to sort that out. Not sure exactly how it's working as of yet.

I reckon if I can work out what's gonna happen this week, get a treatment written by next week, hmms. COuld work, i guess.

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