Monday, October 23, 2006

Now I'm just being silly

So, the SNP say they're going to win a majority in the next election, will hold a referendum and thus wind up with an independant scotland. To be honest, I don't think it'll happen. I wouldn't expect the SNP to win, I wouldn't expect a referendum to give us such crap and I woldn't expect to see independance (can the executive even do that? Pretty sure only Westminister can go in for that BS, but regardless...)

However, in a worst-case scenario I suppose I should actually consider the possibility. Apart from anything else, we all know I'd rather leave Britan entirely than stay in a ridiculously liberal hell-hole. And I'd imagine an independant scotland would probably wind up with disestablshment of the church, proportional representation and more poltitical correctness than y'cn shake a stick at. Not to mention I'd need a passport to visit friends and relatives in England. Mad.

So, pros and cons

The afformentioned passport rubbish
Liberalism. Everything I love and respect about Britain, gone.
Note the geographical location of Scotland? We're talking about having a tiny independant country smaller than Yorkshire with parts of the UK on either side. And if size = country, why not make Yorkshire and Lancashire independant as well? In fact why not split the UK into lots of countrys? Aside from teh obvious.
I'm a patriotic brit. I see myslef as British first, Scottish second, and my family's english on my father's side. I see the possibility of racism.

Well, I doubt the muslim council of Britain would have such an easy time affecting a Scotland. I suppsoe anything that slows the gradual takeover of Britain by Islam has to be a bonus...
Actually, I can't think of any others.

So in short, I'm a ridiculously old-fasione, conservative racist. Well there's a slap in the face.

In other news, the government plans on forcing through reforms to the Lords using the parliament act. Which means the hereditary lords get banished, a lot of the life lords get forced to retire and a large sum of the hosue gets elected in. Uhu. Bye bye traditional British politics.
Let's look at the prupose of the Lords: they're there to stop the government coming up with ridiculously damaging legislation. They helped to slow down tahtcher's rain of terror you know. They serve an important purpose, and their not being elected is an important part of that. It's one of the reasons it works. An elected house of lords would, basically, result in more-or-less a second house of commons. Hell, calling them lords'd be a bit stupid, wouldn't it? They wouldn't be lords. They'd just be talking heads. It's cause anarchy. It'd never work. Just like proportional representation slows the democratic process, so would this bullshit. Bloody fools.

I've changed my mind. Independance has it's advantages. Speeds my escape, and there's no comments of "we were better of with britain", becasue britain'll be a shit-hole by the time mr Blair's finished with it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I did a Google search for 'That would just be silly, wouldn't it?' and this website came up. Haha!

That would just be silly, wouldn't it?